The Window in a Small Dark Room I
The Window in a Small Dark Room I

oil on canvas, 2025, 16×12

The Window in a Small Dark Room II
The Window in a Small Dark Room II

oil on canvas, 2025, 16×12

The Window in a Small Dark Room III
The Window in a Small Dark Room III

oil on canvas, 2025, 16×12

Nursery School, and Winter (Goya)
Nursery School, and Winter (Goya)

oil on canvas, acrylic paint on plexiglass, 24 gauge wire, 49×41×1 inch, 2025

Detail 1 from A Window in a Small Dark Room, and Winter(Goya)
Detail 1 from A Window in a Small Dark Room, and Winter(Goya)
Detail 2, A Window in a Small Dark Room, and Winter(Goya)
Detail 2, A Window in a Small Dark Room, and Winter(Goya)
Bending to Pick-up the Pen he Dropped, He Thought of a Painting of the Burial of Christ
Bending to Pick-up the Pen he Dropped, He Thought of a Painting of the Burial of Christ

oil on canvas, 49×41 inches, Dec.2024

Intrusion of Fleeting Thoughts
Intrusion of Fleeting Thoughts

oil on canvas, 2024. 48×41 inches

Remembering the Sea
Remembering the Sea

Mixed media, wire, painted wire mesh, plexiglass, acrylic and oil on canvas. 40x62inches. 2024

I Looked Down and the Ruby Cufflink was Gone
I Looked Down and the Ruby Cufflink was Gone

Mixed media, wire, painted wire mesh, acrylic and oil paint, charcoal on paper, on wood panel. 40x36inches. 2024

 Descending the Stairs the Window in a Small Dark Room was Present
Descending the Stairs the Window in a Small Dark Room was Present

Mixed media: Wire, wire mesh, screen, acrylic paint on plexiglass, oil on canvas. 36x26x2 inches. 2024

Side view of Descending the Stairs a Small Dark Room with Window was Present

As I Dried My Face I Thought of the Pump Behind the Rectory
As I Dried My Face I Thought of the Pump Behind the Rectory

Mixed media:Mixed media: Wire, wire mesh, screen, charcoal on paper, acrylic paint on plexiglass, and canvas. 2024.

41x36 inches

Caryatids and the Haunted
Caryatids and the Haunted

Mixed media: Wire, wire mesh, screen, acrylic paint on plexiglass, charcoal on paper, oil on canvas. 74x56x3 inches. 2024

  Detail , center section. Caryatids and the Haunted

Detail, center section.Caryatids and the Haunted

  Angled view:   Caryatids and the Haunted

Angled view: Caryatids and the Haunted

Dog, Bathers, the Expulsion (Masaccio) [aka: A Dog's Dream of Redemption]
Dog, Bathers, the Expulsion (Masaccio) [aka: A Dog's Dream of Redemption]

oil on canvas, acrylic on plexiglass, wire. 27x38 inches. 2024

Majas on the Balcony, after Goya.
Majas on the Balcony, after Goya.

Charcoal on paper, acrylic paint, plexiglass, marker, wire mesh, wire, on canvas. 24x22inches. 2023

Pushing myself off the arms of the chair, I heard the window shatter, and saw his face.
Pushing myself off the arms of the chair, I heard the window shatter, and saw his face.

Mixed Media, acrylic on plexiglass, paper, and oil on canvas, 52x38 inches. 2023

Untitled, Early April
Untitled, Early April

Wire, wire mesh, screen, etched plexiglass, acrylic paint, charcoal on paper, on painted canvas. 48x48 inches. 2023

Early March, Westminster West
Early March, Westminster West

Wire mesh, wire, etched/painted plexiglass, acrylic painted joint compound, on wood panel. 48x48 inches. 2023.

Untitled February 25
Untitled February 25

Wire mesh, 28 gauge wire, etched plexiglass, charcoal on paper, acrylic painted joint compound on wood panel. 48x48 inches, 2023.

Untitled, January 23.
Untitled, January 23.

Wire mesh, 28 gauge wire, etched plexiglass, oil on canvas. 52x48 inches, 2023.

The Window in a Small Dark Room I
The Window in a Small Dark Room II
The Window in a Small Dark Room III
Nursery School, and Winter (Goya)
Detail 1 from A Window in a Small Dark Room, and Winter(Goya)
Detail 2, A Window in a Small Dark Room, and Winter(Goya)
Bending to Pick-up the Pen he Dropped, He Thought of a Painting of the Burial of Christ
Intrusion of Fleeting Thoughts
Remembering the Sea
I Looked Down and the Ruby Cufflink was Gone
 Descending the Stairs the Window in a Small Dark Room was Present
As I Dried My Face I Thought of the Pump Behind the Rectory
Caryatids and the Haunted
  Detail , center section. Caryatids and the Haunted
  Angled view:   Caryatids and the Haunted
Dog, Bathers, the Expulsion (Masaccio) [aka: A Dog's Dream of Redemption]
Majas on the Balcony, after Goya.
Pushing myself off the arms of the chair, I heard the window shatter, and saw his face.
Untitled, Early April
Early March, Westminster West
Untitled February 25
Untitled, January 23.
The Window in a Small Dark Room I

oil on canvas, 2025, 16×12

The Window in a Small Dark Room II

oil on canvas, 2025, 16×12

The Window in a Small Dark Room III

oil on canvas, 2025, 16×12

Nursery School, and Winter (Goya)

oil on canvas, acrylic paint on plexiglass, 24 gauge wire, 49×41×1 inch, 2025

Detail 1 from A Window in a Small Dark Room, and Winter(Goya)
Detail 2, A Window in a Small Dark Room, and Winter(Goya)
Bending to Pick-up the Pen he Dropped, He Thought of a Painting of the Burial of Christ

oil on canvas, 49×41 inches, Dec.2024

Intrusion of Fleeting Thoughts

oil on canvas, 2024. 48×41 inches

Remembering the Sea

Mixed media, wire, painted wire mesh, plexiglass, acrylic and oil on canvas. 40x62inches. 2024

I Looked Down and the Ruby Cufflink was Gone

Mixed media, wire, painted wire mesh, acrylic and oil paint, charcoal on paper, on wood panel. 40x36inches. 2024

Descending the Stairs the Window in a Small Dark Room was Present

Mixed media: Wire, wire mesh, screen, acrylic paint on plexiglass, oil on canvas. 36x26x2 inches. 2024

Side view of Descending the Stairs a Small Dark Room with Window was Present

As I Dried My Face I Thought of the Pump Behind the Rectory

Mixed media:Mixed media: Wire, wire mesh, screen, charcoal on paper, acrylic paint on plexiglass, and canvas. 2024.

41x36 inches

Caryatids and the Haunted

Mixed media: Wire, wire mesh, screen, acrylic paint on plexiglass, charcoal on paper, oil on canvas. 74x56x3 inches. 2024

Detail, center section.Caryatids and the Haunted

Angled view: Caryatids and the Haunted

Dog, Bathers, the Expulsion (Masaccio) [aka: A Dog's Dream of Redemption]

oil on canvas, acrylic on plexiglass, wire. 27x38 inches. 2024

Majas on the Balcony, after Goya.

Charcoal on paper, acrylic paint, plexiglass, marker, wire mesh, wire, on canvas. 24x22inches. 2023

Pushing myself off the arms of the chair, I heard the window shatter, and saw his face.

Mixed Media, acrylic on plexiglass, paper, and oil on canvas, 52x38 inches. 2023

Untitled, Early April

Wire, wire mesh, screen, etched plexiglass, acrylic paint, charcoal on paper, on painted canvas. 48x48 inches. 2023

Early March, Westminster West

Wire mesh, wire, etched/painted plexiglass, acrylic painted joint compound, on wood panel. 48x48 inches. 2023.

Untitled February 25

Wire mesh, 28 gauge wire, etched plexiglass, charcoal on paper, acrylic painted joint compound on wood panel. 48x48 inches, 2023.

Untitled, January 23.

Wire mesh, 28 gauge wire, etched plexiglass, oil on canvas. 52x48 inches, 2023.

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